Association of Interregional Socio-Economic Cooperation
“Central Federal District”

About the Association

The Association of Interregional Socio-Economic Cooperation “Central Federal District” is a non-profit organization founded by Moscow and 17 regions of Central Russia. Our activity is aimed at comprehensive promotion of socio-economic development and interregional integration of Central Federal District’s regions, on the basis of combining material, financial, intellectual and administrative resources in order to improve the level and quality of life in Central Russia.

The regions of the Central Federal District are the historical core and economic center of Russia. The district is the home to 40 million people or more than a quarter of Russia’s population. The macroregion holds the primacy in the main funds of the economy, industrial and agricultural production, scientific and technical potential. The Central Federal District accounts for almost a third of the machine-building and light industry products produced in Russia, the fourth part is chemical, and the fifth part is ferrous metallurgy. The district is a leader in the development of industrial infrastructure.

History of the Association

1991 — the formation of interregional associations of economic cooperation of Russian regions began in 1991-1993 on the basis of Presidential Decree Of the Russian Federation No. 194 of November 11 , 1991 “On ensuring conditions for increasing the role and interaction of republics within the RSFSR, autonomous entities, territories and regions in the implementation of radical economic reform.”

1999 — Federal Law No. 211 of December 17, 1999 “On the general principles of organization and activity of associations of economic cooperation of the subjects of the Russian Federation” entered into force.

2013 — based on the decision of the General Meeting of the founders — the supreme executive bodies of Central Federal District regions, the Association of Interregional Socio-Economic Interaction “Central Federal District” was established on January 18, 2013.

2021 — according to the decision of the General Meeting of the Association, the issues of attracting investments, tourism development, formation and scaling of best practices are selected as the main priorities of activity. To implement these priorities, Project Offices have been established on the basis of the Association.

The main objectives of the Association

Providing the necessary conditions for effective interaction of the Association’s members in matters of socio-economic development based on the unification of material, financial and intellectual resources.

Improving the demographic situation in the subjects of Central Russia.

Providing the necessary conditions for investment growth.     

Developing the tourist potential of the territories.

Replicating and implementating best regional practices.

Preparing proposals on the rational use of Central Russia regions’ economic potential.

Improving management methods of economic entities in the conditions of market relations.

Achieving sustainable economic development of Central Russia’s regions in the conditions of market relations and creating the base for quality of life improvement.

Stabilizing the economic situation and social protection of the population.